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How to Breathe During Yoga Practice

How to Breathe During Yoga Practice

Yoga is a holistic practice that unites mind, body, and breath. Breath is a very important part of yoga practice. Proper breathing techniques help to maximize the benefit of each yoga pose and get peace. Breathwork or pranayama is a basic but complicated technique in yoga practice. It can affect your blood pressure, mood, and sleep. 

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The Foundation of Yoga Breathing


Breathing in yoga is also known as "Pranayama,". It is also called “life force extension”. It helps to enhance conscious control and the body's energy. The primary focus is on deep, diaphragmatic breathing, where the breath originates from the lower abdomen rather than shallow chest breathing.


Begin with Awareness


The first step in yoga is to focus on your breath. You can sit or stand comfortably, close your eyes, calm your mind, focusing on your breath. Concentrate on the depth and rhythm of your breath and do not tend to change it. Control your awareness about breath help to calm yourself and find your inner peace before starting any poses.


Practice Dirga Pranayama


Dirga Pranayama is a great technique you need to learn in your yoga journey. Dirga Pranayama is also called three-part breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, and let the air fill your abdomen, ribcage, and your chest. When you exhale, release the breath from the chest, ribcage, and finally, the abdomen. Three-part breath is a great way to expand lung capacity and improves oxygenation.


Coordinating Breath with Movement


You need to connect your breath with movement. You should control the inhale and exhale at the proper time. Inhale when you do an expansive posture, exhale when you do a contracted posture.


For instance, during a sun salutation, inhale as you raise your arms overhead, and exhale as you fold forward. This synchronization enhances the flow of energy throughout the practice and keeps you focused.

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)


Ujjayi is a gentle sound created by partially closing the back of your throat during breathing, sounds a little bit like the ocean. It is a perfect way to adjust our breath, enhance lung capacity and keep mindfulness. 


Keeping the rhythm


No matter how hard the pose is, don’t hold your breath during practice. If you forget to breathe in a difficult pose or your breath becomes strained, it means you may use too much force. Try to slow down and deepen your breath, don’t push yourself to complete the difficult pose. Focus on your breath, be relaxed, and enjoy the present. Scientifically keep the constant practice and facilitate gradual progress.


End with Savasana (Corpse Pose)


Savasana is the final pose in yoga to help us to relax. You lie down on your back, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. This is a way to integrate the benefit during practice. Keep natural and effortless breath after practice and keep your body in stillness and peace.


 In the end, the art of breathing is a great power to lead you to a higher level in yoga, enhancing the mind-body connection. By cultivating breathing techniques, you can unlock a new world in yoga, find tranquility, reduce stress, and gain more strength. Each breath is a way to help you find inner peace and enjoy the present.